Friday, 7 May 2010

New team project

A great team project is underway in Cornwall, which you can all contribute to. Hall of Cornwall are asking knitters from all over the world to join them in knitting the world's longest scarf. They hope to break the Guinness World record. If you'd like to become part of this record breaking attempt, click here for further details.


Research help needed

The Cardiff University study into knitting and memory will begin on Wednesday June 2nd. We need to find 90 volunteers who would be willing to travel to the university to give 90 minutes of their time. Please contact Betsan for details of dates and time slots if you're interested in taking part.

Other good news is that the Stitchlinks and Cardiff University knitting survey has got clearance from the university ethics committee, so over the next couple of weeks we will be testing this out and piloting it. Our target to get this live online is June 21st and we need to find 1000 knitters worldwide to fill it out. The folk at Ravelry have agreed to help us spread the word and link to the survey, so a big thanks to them.

Results will be published in psychology and health journals as well as lay versions in magazines and through the Stitchlinks website.
